Minggu, 18 Mei 2014
Senin, 12 Mei 2014
cepet sembuh ya, bed rest yg banyak
jujur gua lebih suka lo ngomong langsung. walaupun sakit ya tapi emang bener gitu kan, fair kok. gua menghargai alesan lo kenapa ga bales line gua lagi. lo msh pengen sama dia. gua gabisa bilang apa apa lagi kalo emang kayak gitu faktanya. se-"ganteng2"-nya hal yg gua lakuin, ya tetep gabisa gua kalahin, dia cowok yg pernah bikin lo jatuh hati, bikin hari hari lo berarti, bikin lo senyum2 karena tingkahnya. gua? ha ha ha lo siapa nya reeey.
tapi gua udh terlanjur, terlajur semuanya. terlanjur suka, terlanjur seneng, terlanjur care sama lo. gua suka bgt kalo pas lg ngobrol sama lo, gatau kenapa. tapi yaudah lah, sabar. good luck ya sama yg disana.
gua ga benci ataupun marah sama lo, krn lo berani jelasin lgsg ke gua. selow, bener kok hal yg lo lakuin. fair buat gua.
tapi gua udh terlanjur, terlajur semuanya. terlanjur suka, terlanjur seneng, terlanjur care sama lo. gua suka bgt kalo pas lg ngobrol sama lo, gatau kenapa. tapi yaudah lah, sabar. good luck ya sama yg disana.
gua ga benci ataupun marah sama lo, krn lo berani jelasin lgsg ke gua. selow, bener kok hal yg lo lakuin. fair buat gua.
Kamis, 24 April 2014
at least respect me enough to tell me what's up. if you dont want to talk to me, just tell me. if i'm getting on your nerves, just let me know. if you're losing feelings, dont keep me waiting just to lead me on or play me. i at least deserve to know. so instead of keeping things to yourself just be straight up and honest with me so i dont have to sit around looking stupid
Minggu, 20 April 2014
what disturbs me so bad
well maybe this is the worst feeling i've ever had. I mean, yeah, girls.
last week on thursday april 10th, we had our first date. and I really felt like "oh god I finally find the perfect girl". we were hanging out together, great conversation, we laughed a lot, had really so much fun, however, in every minute you always said that you shouldn't hangout with me like this, that there's one of your best friend likes me and talks about me alot. and you can't do this. you said it thousands fucking times, but i always denied to talk about and keep on ignoring it. untill in the end before I took you home, i started to worry about your friend then i asked "how about your best friend?" and you told me "it's okay, i will slowly talk to her". it really makes me calm and happy.
well after all, it's just so perfect between us, and i know you feel the same way too. i couldn't stop singing all the way home, like thoudsands of flowers in my head. and dream comes true dude.
but the next day, suddenly it all chaged. i asked you again to hangout but you strictly push me that you really shouldn't go on date with me the previous day, that you've betrayed your best friend.
then i went to your home, asked you to come out and discuss to solve the problem together. but you said no, hell no. no that you dont want to see me, no that you dont want to talk about anymore, no that you're done with this.
damn, for a long time that i dont have a relationship, you really broke my heart. how could it be that yesterday we were so perfect then today we ended up like this.
i just wait outside, in front of your house, sitting alone staring at my cell phone, had a chat with you but you just keep on saying that we're not gonna make it.
it's getting late at night, but i just wait outside hoping that you're gonna come out and discuss this together. but yeah, i was a fool hoping that way.
in the end, at about 10 o'clock i give up. i sent you a voice message saying goodbye and my deepest apology for disturbing your time. i went home with tears, i cant stand for it.
the sun arises, a new day begins. still you in my mind, i cant get you out of my head. it's a midtest day, i was thinking to meet you after the test. but what happen, you ask your boy friends to back you up and tell me to go away. for the second time dude, you really broke my heart again. i mean why girls are so complicated, why dont we both just talk, solve it together, and get things done. dammit.
my point is, why you ignore your heart just because your best friend, which actually you still can talk with her.
i guess you woud have hated me now
day by day just past
i feel so terrible ever since, you never want to see me again. we never say hi, you always avoiding me, i dont know what am i suppose to do with this.
thousands of why playin in my head
i cant sleep, i cant focus, i cant stop thinking about you, i swallow every single pain, i see your smile everywhere.
please, we're still friends right?
last week on thursday april 10th, we had our first date. and I really felt like "oh god I finally find the perfect girl". we were hanging out together, great conversation, we laughed a lot, had really so much fun, however, in every minute you always said that you shouldn't hangout with me like this, that there's one of your best friend likes me and talks about me alot. and you can't do this. you said it thousands fucking times, but i always denied to talk about and keep on ignoring it. untill in the end before I took you home, i started to worry about your friend then i asked "how about your best friend?" and you told me "it's okay, i will slowly talk to her". it really makes me calm and happy.
well after all, it's just so perfect between us, and i know you feel the same way too. i couldn't stop singing all the way home, like thoudsands of flowers in my head. and dream comes true dude.
but the next day, suddenly it all chaged. i asked you again to hangout but you strictly push me that you really shouldn't go on date with me the previous day, that you've betrayed your best friend.
then i went to your home, asked you to come out and discuss to solve the problem together. but you said no, hell no. no that you dont want to see me, no that you dont want to talk about anymore, no that you're done with this.
damn, for a long time that i dont have a relationship, you really broke my heart. how could it be that yesterday we were so perfect then today we ended up like this.
i just wait outside, in front of your house, sitting alone staring at my cell phone, had a chat with you but you just keep on saying that we're not gonna make it.
it's getting late at night, but i just wait outside hoping that you're gonna come out and discuss this together. but yeah, i was a fool hoping that way.
in the end, at about 10 o'clock i give up. i sent you a voice message saying goodbye and my deepest apology for disturbing your time. i went home with tears, i cant stand for it.
the sun arises, a new day begins. still you in my mind, i cant get you out of my head. it's a midtest day, i was thinking to meet you after the test. but what happen, you ask your boy friends to back you up and tell me to go away. for the second time dude, you really broke my heart again. i mean why girls are so complicated, why dont we both just talk, solve it together, and get things done. dammit.
my point is, why you ignore your heart just because your best friend, which actually you still can talk with her.
i guess you woud have hated me now
day by day just past
i feel so terrible ever since, you never want to see me again. we never say hi, you always avoiding me, i dont know what am i suppose to do with this.
thousands of why playin in my head
i cant sleep, i cant focus, i cant stop thinking about you, i swallow every single pain, i see your smile everywhere.
please, we're still friends right?
Jumat, 26 Juli 2013
Selasa, 25 Juni 2013
Selasa, 23 April 2013
Selasa, 09 April 2013
but this
women has a hold on my heart that i could not break if i want it to
there have been times that i want it to
it was
overwhelming and humbling or even painful at times
but i
can't stop loving her anymore that i could stop breathing
am hopelessly, irretrieavbly, in love with her
than she knows
Minggu, 31 Maret 2013
Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013
udah lama ga posting
tentang apa yg gua alamin akhir akhir ini. yap betul kemaren gua mengalami
sesuatu yg aneh dalam blog ini.jadi couple days ago, gua betulin hp gua yg
beberapa wkt lalu rusak kena air. dan alhasil hp gua sembuh dan semua isi hp
gua diganti sama yg baru. lo tau berapa hrg nya men! 500k! tele ga tuh.
sebenernya bisa si kalo ganti hp, kebetulan di rmh gua ada hp nganggur. tapi
gua udh terlanjur sayang sama nih hp. mungkin karena hp ini yg udah nemenin gua
selama 3 thn terakhir, dan juga, simbol bahwa gua udh beranjak ke SMA. banyak
kenangan yg gua lewatin bareng sama hp ini. jadi tuh dit 500k gua jabanin deh
demi hp ini bisa lanjutin petualangan mengukir kenangan bareng gua lagi.
dan setelah semua
perangkatnya baru, entah kenapa hp gua unexpectedly connected sama account
google gua. jadi di gallery hp gua itu peeeennuh bgt sama foto2 yg pernah gua
posting di blog ini. i've tried it thousand times to delete all of those
photos. tapi ya tetep aja ga ada opsi delete di hp gua. akhirnya gua sign in
lewat laptop ke account google gua dan gua apus semua album foto. dan...
cemewew! semua foto di blog gua ini, ILANG!! termasuk gambar backround, button,
template, postingan yg isinya foto, aaaaampe semua muanya. wkt itu blog gua ini
isinya simbol perboden semua. kaga ada yg muncul gambarnya, yaiya siii orang
udh gua apus kan. gua panik seada adanya, kerja keras nge design blog gua yg
sangat gua banggakan ilang gitu aja dengan satu kali klik pertanyaan konfirmasi
"hapus semua album foto?" .......................................
akhirnya gua design ulang lagi ini blog, gua search lagiiiiiiiiii satu
satuuuuuuu gambar2 yg dulu ada di blog ini. yg bikin paaaaaling ngeselin tu
postingan gua yg ada fotonya ilang gambarnya, kaga ada, ILANG!!! padahal posting
yg ada fotonya itu beeehhhhh, berharga bgt buat gua. akhirnya gua apus itu
semua postingan yg ada fotonya, bodo amat lah ilang ilang lu. ILANG!!!
dan lo tau cara yg
benernya ngapus itu semua foto yg ada di hp gua? gua nyari di youtube dan
untung nya ada org yg upload video buat ngasitau cara ngapus foto bawaan
google. pas gua liat gila booooooos ngapa kaga dari tadddddi gua search di
youtube. busetdeh caranya tinggal ke settings > account and sync > udeh
lu pilih dah stop sync photos from google. anjuuuuuuunuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuung
oke oke gapapa selow
selow. udeh udeh, ganti topik, sabar sabar.
nah sebenernya ini nih
yang pengen gua omongin
gua akhir2 ini jarang
posting lagi di blog. maksut gua posting tentang apa yg gua alamin di kehidupan
gua, bkn tentang gua yg nyeritain hal yg gua alamin bareng orang lain,
especially pacar. eh apa bedanya ya, ya gitu dah. cuma gua doang paling yg tau
wkwk. kenapa gua jadi jarang posting mungkin gini,entah kenapa baru gua sadarin
tadi sore eh kemaren sore eh audah kapan pokoknya sore sore pas tanggal 28
Maret 2013, inspirasi terbesar gua dalam blog ini adalah cinta. yaa lo boleh
bilang jijik, apa bgt, norak. tapi gua juga gatau knp bisa gini. apa emang
cinta sebegitu dahsyat nya sampe bisa bikin orang yg males baca (gua), jadi
suka bikin postingan di blog, yg artinya gua bikin postingan pasti baca bolak
balik dong apa yg akan gua post.
masa SMA emang, labil.
banyak hal harus dipelajari, hehe. dan saat ini gua gapunya cewek, jadi jarang
bahkan ga ada posting yg banyak ngomongin cewek kayak postingan sebelum2nya. di
awal awal pas gua baru putus, gua merasa panik, ga ada yg diajak chat atau
telponan, tiap malem berasa sepi banget bangetan. gua merasa harusss bgt gua
punya cewek lagi biar gua bisa tenang. akhirnya gua coba ngobrol lagi sm mantan
gua berharap bisa akrab lagi, deketin adek kelas, nyari tmn ngobrol lwt telpon
tiap malem, dkk. banyak lah, nia tuh tau seberapa gelisahnya gua.
begiiiiiituuuuuu terus hari hari gua berjalan.
sampai pada suatu saat
hati gua bicara. iyaaa iyaaa gua tauu emang jijik ngebacanya, tapi emang gini
loh, asli. gatau gimana pokoknyaa tiba2 terbesit dlm pikiran gua
"iya ya, sebenernya gua ngapain si kayak gini. maudy aja bilang dia fine
fine aja kok ga punya cowok" dan sejak saat itu pola pikir gua berubah
men. tapi ga se-instan itu juga, berhari hari gua mikir tentang hal ini di
setiap gua mau tidur.dan akhirnya gua bisa mikir "GAPUNYA PACAR TUH FINE
FINE AJA KOK". instead, lo lebih bisa menyangi diri lo sendiri. berenaang,
rileks in pikiran, jogging, main sepeda sore sore, dst. iyasiiih kedengerannya
flat banget tp ketika lo lakuin itu, lo baru dah bisa berasa di diri lu.
walaupun itu semua lo lakuin sendirian, tapi ga menjadikan itu hal yg
membosankan kok. dan lagi, semua ada waktunya kok buat kita mencari pasangan
lagi, yg bikin gua bisa
ngerubah pola pikir gua adalah MASIH ADA GELAR YG HARUS LO DAPET BOS, DOKTER.
suatu saat di masa depan
nanti, pasti gua dan istri gua bakal ngetawain post ini. yaa namanya anak
SMA, masa transisi, gejolak kawula muda. jadi maklum ya Rere di masa depan,
atau lebih tepatnya dok.
Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013
Minggu, 17 Maret 2013
Kamis, 07 Maret 2013
Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013
Jumat, 01 Februari 2013
Rabu, 23 Januari 2013
Rabu, 16 Januari 2013
Kamis, 27 Desember 2012
Senin, 24 Desember 2012
A Fresh to Start Something New
Today, the 24th of December. I declare this day as your born day "@Reynald_8"
Senin, 10 Desember 2012
you have been the one for me
and as you move on, remember me
remember us and all we used to be
you touched my heart you touched my soul
you changed my life and all my goals
i've kissed your lips and held your hand
shared your dreams and shared your bed
i've seen you cry, i've seen you smile
i've watched you sleeping for a while
i know your fears and you know mine
i'd spent a lifetime with you
you have been the one, you have been the one for me
Kamis, 06 Desember 2012
Today, on 6th December 2012
i don't know what went first but we started kissing
we were making out it was fun
we were making out it was fun
Minggu, 02 Desember 2012
"There's nothing wrong with being a crow. When you compare them to the poor caged birds that have forgotten to fly, crows are much better. Being a crow is good enough for me."
- Crows zero
Minggu, 25 November 2012
The more she pled, oh yes she said
touch and kiss
love and lust
pain and bliss
i watched her sleep, touched her around
"i'll make you mine today"
touch and kiss
love and lust
pain and bliss
i watched her sleep, touched her around
"i'll make you mine today"
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