Minggu, 28 Juli 2019
Senin, 22 Juli 2019
Thank you for everything. Thanks for always being close to me.
You know, when i write this, i've written so many sentences yet fail to express what really describe you. So I write it then delete it hundred fucking times.
You are so gorgeous. Perhaps gorgeous is the right word to describe all the things about you in my mind. You're the toughest, the prettiest, the most patient girl, i've ever met. And i'm so glad to have you in my life.
Sumpah kok susah bgt ya buat nulis tentang lo. Kayak ga ada kalimat yang pas untuk menggambarkan semuanya. Makasih udah nemenin through my medical school years. Dari pas masih jadi maba, koass, sampai sekarang udah jadi dokter, siap untuk berangkat internsip. Makasih udah mau dengerin semua cerita, tentang temen kuliah, pasien, rumah sakit, keluarga. Dan terutama, makasih udah nerima gue dengan segala keanehan yg ada di diri gue. Mungkin cuma lo yg melihat gue secara utuh dan bisa nerima semuanya.
Gue ga perlu merasa takut keliatan jelek, takut dibilang aneh, jaim dll ketika lg sm lo. Gue ga pernah bisa ngerasa gini ke perempuan lain, bahkan ke Ibu sendiri.
Makasih udah jd tmpt buat ngobrol, diskusi, berjuang, belajar, seeeeeeeemuanya
Kamis, 30 Mei 2019
you dont want this
sometimes it's delightful to have a close friend, but trust me you don't want this to be that way again
well perhaps, you're just feeling lonely
but you can't do this to her
remember the last time you play this part?
you ended up having thousand thoughts of her all around the place inside your head
she got flowers bloom in her heart, she fell into you then you began asking yourself where to cut it off
and after that everything becomes f*cking awkward
it's not about you
if you really care, then please act like you really care of her condition only
be there as a friend, create comfortness instead of trying to impress her
Sabtu, 09 Februari 2019
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